20 Writing Prompts to create Characters that feel real

For fiction writers. Here are twenty writing prompts to better understand your characters.

1. What does your character like to do on weekends?

2. Does your character work? What do they do? Describe an average work day for your character.

3. What is your character’s favorite memory from their life?

4. Does your character like to vacation and travel? Where do they like to go? Where do they despise going?

5. What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your character?

6. What is your character’s favorite food? Do they know how to cook it? Does someone else make it for them?

7. What is one relationship your character can’t live without?

8. Who does your character feel like they should become? Who do they see themselves as, ideally?

9. Where does your character like to buy their clothes?

10. Where does your character live? What does their home look like?

11. Where did your character grow up? How do they feel about their upbringing?

12. What is your character’s relationship like with their family of origin?

13. When does your character feel most at peace?

14. Who does your character turn to when things get rough?

15. How does your character blow off steam?

16. Where is the number one place your character goes outside of their home and work?

17. What does your character see as their biggest flaw? What does your character see as their biggest strength?

18. How does your character respond to setbacks?

19. What does your character spend too much money on? Where do they cut corners?

20. What is your characters biggest, wildest dream?