Make 2023 The Best Yet With These Journal Prompts

Before you even begin thinking of setting your goals for the New Year, I believe the best place to start is by celebrating where you’ve already been. Look back to one year ago. You might have set goals at the beginning of the year. You might have surpassed them. Maybe you accomplished things that you had never imagined for yourself! Or perhaps looking back on the last year shows opportunities for growth; 2023 has the opportunity to be more closely aligned with your values.

Grab your favourite journal, a blank page, or a blank Word doc. Here are some journal prompts to reflect on the past year:

Prompt 1: What are your five happiest moments of 2022?

Prompt 2: What are four ways that you changed in 2022?

Prompt 3: What are three challenges that you overcame in 2022?

Prompt 4: What are two things that surprised you in 2022?

Prompt 5: What is one thing you started in 2022 that you can’t wait to continue in 2023? (e.g., a yoga practice, a book, a side hustle)

Now it’s time to think ahead. What dreams do you have? What do you want to accomplish? Who do you need to become in order to make this a reality?

Prompt 6: What are three goals that you have for 2023?

Prompt 7: How do you plan to connect with loved ones in 2023?

Prompt 8: What is your biggest dream that you just didn’t seem to make time for in 2022?

Prompt 9: Think about your dream day, starting from the moment that you wake up. How do you feel? How do you choose to start your day? Visualize and write down each detail. How do you choose to move your body? Work? Relax? Connect? Remember that we are the sum of our daily habits. Are you making time to work on these goals in your dream day?

Remember that you don’t need to have each day look like your ‘dream day’. Far from it. But it can be helpful to visualize your goals and how you would go about accomplishing them. There’s 365 days and they go by fast. Make each one count.

Happy New Year!